AGTOS Diabolo blast machine

AGTOS Blästring

The AGTOS Product Range

Choosing the appropriate machine concept depends on the work pieces, the required performance and on your expectations regarding an ideal production process.

If it is not possible to solve the task by using a standard machine we would be pleased to offer you a custom-made blast machine concept.

Please send us your detailed enquiry. Our experienced team will be very pleased to give you any information you may need.

AGTOS Blästring


By means of lifting tools or other conveyors the tubes will be placed on the diabolo rollers and arrive at the blast machine. At that place they activate the signal threshold situated in front of the inlet sluice in order to start the automatic abrasives supply to the running high performance turbines. Through this, it is ensured that the blasting process only starts if there are work pieces in the blasting area.

After the blasting process the abrasives situated on the tubes falls into a hopper and is led back to the abrasives circulation. Powerful ventilators will blow abrasives remaining inside the tubes away.

The abrasives will be cleaned and kept in circulation for continuous use. Via the abrasives dosing device the cleaned abrasives, coming from the abrasives silo, arrives at the high performance turbines
A ventilator generates the necessary low-pressure that is necessary for a dust-free operation of the unit.

AGTOS Blästring

Capabilities and applications

Possible applications for Diabolo blast machines. Diabolo blast machines are use in order to scale and to derust tubes, poles and round components. Combined with correspondent transversal conveyors several segment such as blasting, conserving, welding and drilling can be linked together. Therefore, a flexible production process and a high material output are ensured.

AGTOS Blästring


AGTOS Blästring

Product data sheet