Milling Ram [kW]: 45
Length of workpiece [mm]: 3.000 - 50.000
Width of workpiece [mm]: 2.500 - 6.000
Clearance height [mm]: 1.000 - 2.500
Acceleration [m/sec²]: 3
Customer's benefits
- Efficient roughing
- Better surface qualities
- Highest contour accuracy
- Minimum rework
Hydrostatic guideways for X, Y, Z
- Ensures highest damping, stiffness and an excellent dynamic behaviour of the machine.
- Wearfree guideways
- Lowest maintenance effort
Fully automated
- Tool changer
- Spindle unit changer
- Pallet changer
- Manufacturing system
- Production control
Flexible machine concept
Combination of mechanical spindles and direct driven motor spindles
Mechanical spindle
P: 45 kW
M: 2.000 Nm
n: 6.00 min-¹
Direct driven motor spindle
P: 20 - 50 kW
M: 65 - 300
n: 6.000 - 30.000 min-¹
Available as Double-Bridge-Gantry
Integration in a FMS